KERATOUCH Morocco Argan oil
KERATOUCH Morocco Argan oil is an oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree in Morocco, it contains vitamin E, phenols, phenolic acid, carotenes, squaéene, 80% unsaturated. fatty acids, can be easily absorbed by skin and be regarded as precious gold oil
KERATOUCH 100% Natural Argan Oil can be used for hydrating, nourishing and reviving. , n
Skin: As a daily moisturizer, it is genwe enough to use on all skin types and is believed £0 improve skin conditions including acne. Softening cuticles reduce coarse wrinkles and Fine lines in
eye area effectively and visibly, It's leaving you a youthful, dewy glow, energetic and sleek skin. ,
Hair: Prevent spiit ends, dandruff of dry scalp, protect Ehir from heating and chemical hurt, and restore health and strength
Mail: Help thin nai! getting strong, shine and smooth. Prevent agnail occur.
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